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Due Diligence and Transaction Services

Due Diligence and Transaction Services

Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) assessment, also known as Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 ESA), is a critical part of the risk and liability management process associated with any sensitive business transaction such as mergers, divestitures and acquisitions.

Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning

The primary objective of an ESIA study is to ensure that the potential impacts of a project on any environmental and socio-economic cultural receptors located within the projects area of influence (AOI), whether positive or negative, are assessed at the planning and decision making stage.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Compliance Assessment is a critical part of the risk and liability management process associated with assessing, maintaining and improving EHS performance at a particular facility or operation.


We are industry specialists in


Bromley Environmental is an environmental consulting company specializing in the provision of high quality environmental, social, health, safety and risk management consulting and advisory services for clients throughout Eastern Africa.

Our specialist services help inform our clients’ transaction risk management decisions, satisfy their regulatory compliance requirements, assess Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and support funding applications from the international financial institutions.

Bromley Environmental has grown to be one of East Africa’s leading brands in the environmental, social, health, safety and risk management consultancy sector.

We have a proven track record across multiple business sectors and international jurisdictions including Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and beyond. We have booked repeat business from some of the largest global companies including several listed multinationals. We are also retained on an exclusive basis by some of the largest international consulting firms and global regulatory compliance companies to provide specialist sub-consultancy services across our jurisdiction.

Contaminated Site Assessment and Management

Contaminated Site Assessment and Management

A Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 2 ESA) is ASTM E1903-11 terminology for a soil and groundwater contamination assessment investigation.

Stakeholder and Community Engagement

Stakeholder and Community Engagement

We offer a full range of stakeholder engagement services as part of our Social Impact Assessment and Management services.

Certification – EMS, QMS, HSM, OSHAS

Certification – EMS, QMS, HSM, OSHAS

We work together with international accredited partners by IAS USA to offer certification standards.

Waste Management

Waste Management

Our fully managed service is designed to find the best environmental waste solution for your business needs, this includes washroom management, odour control, general sanitary and more.


Transaction and Due Diligence Services

Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) assessment, also known as Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 ESA), is a critical part of the risk and liability management process associated with any sensitive business transaction such as mergers, divestitures and acquisitions. The primary objective of a Phase 1 ESA is to identify whether there are any potential soil and groundwater contamination liabilities associated with the property/properties under assessment that could have a material impact on the transaction. The process typically involves a detailed site and environs reconnaissance, interviews with key informants (Key Site Manager) and desk study to determine the land use history and the physical and natural environmental setting in the subject property area.

Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) refers to the formal process used to predict the environmental and socio-economic cultural effects of implementing a particular project or activity; such as oil and gas exploration or the construction and operation of a new manufacturing facility. The primary objective of an ESIA study is to ensure that the potential impacts of a project on any environmental and socio-economic cultural receptors located within the projects area of influence (AOI), whether positive or negative, are assessed at the planning and decision making stage, thus enabling appropriate measures to be implemented to mitigate the adverse impacts of a project whilst enhancing the positive impacts, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Compliance Assessment is a critical part of the risk and liability management process associated with assessing, maintaining and improving EHS performance at a particular facility or operation. Clients typically instruct EHS Compliance Audits to assess whether operations and activities at a facility or project site are following host country legal requirements and corporate HSE performance standards, and where non-compliances are revealed, to identify the root causes and recommend the appropriate corrective actions.

Contaminated Site Assessment and Management

A Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 2 ESA) is ASTM E1903-11 terminology for a soil and groundwater contamination assessment investigation. If a prior Phase 1 Environmental Due Diligence (Phase 1 EDD) assessment indicates that a property may be contaminated as a consequence of historic and or current activities on or in the vicinity of the subject property then it is normal practice to proceed to a Phase 2 ESA to actually confirm the contamination status of the property under assessment. A Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment is typically undertaken as part of the due diligence process associated with the acquisition or divestment of a property (transaction risk management driven) so that a client can determine whether there are any potential soil and groundwater contamination liabilities associated with the property that could have a material impact on the transaction.

Stakeholder and Community Engagement

We offer a full range of stakeholder engagement services as part of our Social Impact Assessment and Management services. Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is a critical component of the overarching Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process and further offer the full range of sub-component services from the initial Stakeholder Identification (Stakeholder ID) process and preparation of a projects Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) through to Project Disclosure, multi-tiered Public Consultation (PC) activities, and where physical and or economic displacement is unavoidable, preparation of Asset Registers of Project Affected People (PAP), Resettlement Action Plans and or Livelihood Restoration Plans.

Certification – EMS, QMS, HSM, OSHAS

Working together with international accredited partners by IAS USA for the following standards.
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
ISO 22000 – 2005 Food Safety Management Systems
ISO 14001 Environment Management Systems
OSHAS 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Waste Management

Our fully managed service is designed to find the best environmental waste solution for your business needs, this includes washroom management, odour control, general sanitary and more. By understanding your organization’s functions, priorities and budget constraints, we can develop a waste management strategy that gives you the best value for money and improves operational efficiency.